Park Boulevard: Is it Hillcrest’s greatest lost opportunity or next Magnificent Mile?

Park Blvd redesign from SANDAG

Park Boulevard: Is it Hillcrest’s greatest lost opportunity or next Magnificent Mile?

SANDAG has a vision for Park Blvd that businesses and residents in Hillcrest’s Upper East Side don’t share. The Community wants a lively, vital, urban, landscaped street that will attract people and businesses. SANDAG wants a transit corridor. Are the two visions incompatible?

Unfortunately, SANDAG and many of our local elected officials seem to think so. SANDAG’s design for Park Boulevard strips it of landscaping and creates a paved, seven-lane, Rapid Bus transit corridor. There are no bicycle lanes, and Pedestrians are treated as an afterthought.

This design is supported by Todd Gloria and Ron Roberts, even though Community opposition is overwhelming. To date, the Hillcrest Town Council,Uptown Planners, Hillcrest Business Association, North Park Planning Group, University Heights Community Association and the University Heights CDC have ALL opposed the plan.

Rapid public transit from Hillcrest to downtown would be a great, sustainable option. However, it doesn’t have to done at the expense of a great neighborhood street. It IS possible to provide a beautiful, urban street, complete with bicycle lanes and good pedestrian access – AND have rapid public transit. What is your vision for Park Boulevard?Please call or write Todd Gloria, Ron Roberts, and SANDAG and let them know. While you are at it check outComplete Streets. Complete Street design is not only a good idea, it is the law in San Diego and California.

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