Panama California Exposition event April 11

velocipedes2“Spring to the Past”

Saturday, April 11, 2015 in Balboa Park
A One-Day Centennial Gathering & Celebration
Balboa Park Heritage Association & its Community Sponsor, Women’s Museum of California from 9am-5pm.

Turn the clock back to the Panama California Exposition on Saturday, April 11 with hundreds of period costumers, Penny Farthing riders of period velocipedes and bicycles, brave Suffragists from the Women’s Museum marching for the Women’s Right to Vote and much more.

Free docent-guided tours of the historic core of Balboa Park along with period dancing in the Balboa Park Club.

Schedule of Events and Venues

All Day: The historic core of the Park created for the 1915 Panama-California Exposition will be the gathering spot for large and small groups and individuals in period costumes, strolling about in character enjoying the Exposition. These volunteers in character will be San Diego residents and visitors from other cities in the Unites States and abroad who have traveled to San Diego for the wonders of the Exposition. Feel free to introduce yourself, ask questions, take photographs.

10 AM – 4 PM:  From the Woman’s Museum of California, costumed re-enactors of brave San Diego Suffragists will be marching, demonstrating and informing the public about their struggle to obtain the vote for Women. In 1915, women could not vote in any Federal Elections and most state elections.  Cabrillo Bridge, Plaza de California, Plaza de Panama, El Prado and organ Pavilion areas.

10 AM – 4 PM: The Plaza de Panama will be home for many Period Bicyclists in their amazing wheeled devices. Watch these skilled riders demonstrate proper techniques for mounting, riding and dismounting these great bikes, ask questions, take videos and photographs.

11 AM – 5 PM:  International Folk Dance Spring Festival. Dance exhibition and instruction of authentic folk dancing from the 1915 Era and other times. Balboa Park Club Building.  All are welcome to this great free event. Come watch these talented and colorful dance groups.

12 Noon – 4 PM: An English Village Fete.  The International Cottages and House of England will host this festival of period costumes, Shakespeare, music, dance and food. This venue will be headquarters for the Penny farthing period bicycle group whose members will also be riding in the Plaza de Panama.

10 AM- 5 PM: Steam Punk fun. “Steam Punk” is not an authentic period recreation, but always great fun. Think Jules Verne meets “Wild, Wild West”. Punkers in amazing costumes will be at the House of England, Plaza de Panama and other major venues.

11 AM, 1 PM & 3 PM:  Film, “Balboa Park, The Jewel of San Diego” – an original film for the Centennial produced by the San Diego History Center. Presented in the theatre of the San Diego History Center, 1649 El Prado [Admission Fee for non-members of the Center].

10 AM- 4 PM:  Special Centennial exhibits at the San Diego History Center; “San Diego Invites the World, the 1915 EXPO” and “Masterworks, Art of the Exposition Era” [Admission fee for non-members of the Center.]

9:30 AM – 4 PM: Audio Tours of Balboa Park. A fascinating 1.5 hour audio tour of Balboa Park may be rented at the Balboa Park Visitors Center covering Park history, architecture, horticulture, and cultural attractions–all created by experts in the field. $5.00 fee.

11 AM – 4 PM: Walking Tours of the 1915 Exposition Grounds. One- hour walking tours of the historic core of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition Grounds and buildings, led by volunteer Docents from the Balboa Park Heritage Association. Tour groups will meet every hour on the half-hour at the fountain in the center of the Plaza de Panama. Free, with contributions to the Balboa Park Heritage Association cheerfully accepted.

10 AM – 4 PM: Museum tours and special Centennial Exhibits, at the Marston House. The historic Marston House, located on Seventh Avenue near the northwest corner of Balboa Park, is featuring two special Centennial exhibits; “Exposition Designers 1915-1935, The Making of the Dream City” and “Souvenirs and Keepsakes; memorabilia of the 1915 and 1935 Expositions” [Admission fee for non-members of SOHO].

10:30 AM – 4 PM: Official Balboa Park Centennial Merchandise; hats, clothing and more from the Balboa Park Heritage Association. Sales Center is located in the entry foyer to the Balboa Park Club. All proceeds go to the BPHA’s non-profit work to preserve, protect, maintain and celebrate Balboa Park.

10 AM – 4 PM:  MORE — The Balboa Park museums and institutions will be open for their normal Saturday schedules. We encourage you to visit them on April 11, consider becoming a member, and buy your tickets for a great performance at the Old Globe theatres. The Park is YOUR Park. Enjoy this remarkable and historic place. Please help the Balboa Park Historical Association and friends preserve, protect, maintain and celebrate the Park.

Come share recreation of the look and feel of the 1915 Exposition. Bring friends, family and cameras. For more information call (619) 807-2694.

This event in Balboa Park is sponsored by the Balboa Park Heritage Association and its community partners.

Free to all!

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