Open (edited) letter from Barry Hager, president of Mission Hills Heritage…

The City of San Diego has all but declared war on historic preservation! On March 19th, the SD County Grand Jury released a report entitled “Historical Hysteria: Historical Resources in the City of San Diego.” With no cost/benefit analysis or discussion whatsoever regarding the benefits of historic preservation, the Grand Jury urged the City to “rein in the number of properties designated as historic and the number of Mills Act contracts.” In a one-sided investigation, the Grand Jury interviewed only officials with the County Tax Assessor’s Office and City staff. No owners of historically-designated properties, preservationists or historians were interviewed. The report contains many incredible statements, such as “How many examples of Craftsman houses does San Diego really need?”
On the same day that this shocking report was released, the Mayor’s Office issued a press release with a detailed proposal regarding various proposed “Mills Act reform measures.” If adopted, these restrictions would, for all intents and purposes, shut down the Mills Act program in the City of San Diego.
A restored vintage home brings a spark of pride to a neighborhood which often fuels other restoration efforts. Until we begin to recognize and treat our historic homes, buildings and neighborhoods as a public asset, we will continue to lose them and the benefits that come with preserving our heritage.
This attack by the City is the greatest threat to community character in our generation. Please email elected officials re: the importance of historic preservation. The Historical Resources Board will hold a public workshop on Friday, April 18th at 2pm in the Council Committee Room, 202 C Street, 12th floor.

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