O-ba-ma takes the lead for America

Clawgate press conference, November 3, 2008 Hillcrest, San DiegoJubilation spilled across the country with people dancing in the streets as an estimated 100,000 people had crowded into Chicago’s Grant Park in to greet Obama with cheers as TV news announced the Illinois senator had been elected the next President of the United States of America.
“This has been a long time coming,” said Linda Bogard, 57, “It’s been a good fight and a great victory.”
“What it really means for the country is that there’s going to be a major change in the direction … (for) the priorities of the regular person, and not just the wealthy,” said Carrie West, 54, as bar patrons Todd Gloriachanted “O-ba-ma, O-ba-ma, O-ba-ma.”

“Rosa sat so Martin could walk.   Martin walked so Barack could run.   Barack ran so your children may fly.”

Councilman-elect Gloria to replace Atkins
Todd Gloria maintained a nine point lead over Stephen Whitburn throughout the evening, and by around 10pm was confident enough to give a victory speech. “My mother was a hotel maid and my dad a gardener. Only in San Diego could I be your next City Council member,” Todd said to supporters in a packed ballroom at the Westgate hotel.

His opponent Stephen Whitburn said his network of volunteers did all they could to help him win. “We had a tremendous number of supporters and people who really got behind our message of change, and they worked their hearts out and did everything possible,” commented Stephen. “I’m proud of the people who joined me in fighting for change.”

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