Next step for local preservationists will be Tuesday, December 2nd

City Council has closed public testimony on the Mills Act, but has yet to decide on new fees for those who have nominations waiting to be heard and on imposing a threshold limiting the number of new agreement incentives to $100,000 per year.

The council did vote to remove the word “substantial” when describing the obligations of property owners to re-invest the Mills Act tax incentives. A majority also agreed to establish a low income fund to help those below the Average Median Income to pay the new staff processing fees that are also being proposed as part of the Mayor’s desired changes. The matter will be continued again on Tuesday, December 2 at City Hall.

Attendance this council meeting is important for retaining provisions of this program. Community presence in the chamber is powerful and shows the council that the public is watching how they vote on issues. If you could not make it to Monday night’s meeting at the Balboa Park Club, please attend the this hearing on December 2 (202 C Street, 12th floor). Be sure to fill out a speaker slip to show your opposition to the Mayor’s proposal (no public testimony will be allowed). Pick the slip that says “oppose” in big letters if you are against the staff recommendations to the Mayor’s proposal.

Thanks for your involvement to help save our neighborhood’s character!

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