New Hillcrest hotel unveiled

Proposed Hillcrest HotelOver 60 residents attended tonight’s monthly meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council. La Jolla Pacific Development partner, Michael McPhee, unveiled the latest proposal for 301 University — a boutique hotel to be operated by a professional hotel management company such as Kimpton or Joie de Vivre. The proposed building would be 72 feet tall with a corner architectural element of 80 feet. The hotel will have 150 rooms, a spa, lap pool, banquet rooms and a roof top bar, 170 parking spaces and 100-130 employees. Limited public parking may be available depending on occupancy. The developer explained that the Interim Height Ordinance does not govern their building’s height because it is grandfathered under the old 301 University filing with the City of San Diego. Some in the audience disagreed. (catch a rerun tonight evening in UH).

HTC Development committee member Roy Dahl made a presentation outlining suggested design principles for our neighborhood. The goal reflects wishes of the residents as we begin updating our community plan. Seven main points: adequate parking, abundant landscaping, bulk & scale appropriate with neighboring structures, effective use of materials & color, sufficient setbacks, green development and appropriate height as a defining feature. Development Design Principles.

Litter chair Tim Gahagan announced this Saturday’s clean-up — meet at 9am on Park Blvd. south of University. Tools, gloves and free t-shirts provided. A dumpster in Numbers parking lot will be available for Hillcrest residents’ use. It was also announced that there will be a No on 8 protest rally downtown Saturday at noon.
Email to volunteer.

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