We’re out…..

HQ7 arrives and begins delivery to our advertisersThe new HillQuest Urban Guides are available at several Hillcrest locations like Whole Foods, Lalo’s Cathedral, John’s Fifth Avenue, Tap Lighting, the UPS Store, Urban Optics, Babbo Grande, City Deli, Sign King and Crest Cafe. Stop by and pick up a free copy of this year’s edition featuring articles by council members Gloria, Frye & DeMaio, plus lots of other characters, local history, shopping, dining and fun. Getting the books to all of our advertisers may take a few days, but we’ll be stocking everyone as soon as possible.

Celebrate the completion of this year’s book with a neighborhood block party (the Hop in the ’Hood) in less than two weeks — on Sunday, July 5th in the 3700 block of Seventh Avenue.

The Flower Power Parade (with free entries…if you want to promote your business or group to the crowd) will kick off at noon followed by cake and ice cream for one and all. The block party’s live entertainment will feature the San Diego Women’s Drum Circle, emcee Laura Jane, Danielle Lo Presti & the Masses, Rhythm & the Method, the Kings of Paradise, Sue Palmer’s Motel Swing, Sam Johnson Jazz Duo and Kim Evans. Please join the fun…everyone is welcome.

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