Monday, February 23, 2004

from the late night circuit…

The White House finally found one guy who says he remembers serving with President Bush on National Guard duty in Alabama.
Isn’t that amazing? Now if they can find someone who remember Bush working on an economic plan!

President Bush had a great time at the Daytona 500. He told reporters, “I like speed.” And today he got a call from Rush Limbaugh:
“Hey, I like speed too! Can you get me some? Without a prescription?”

John Kerry won the primaries in Nevada and Washington, DC. That’s great.
One is a haven for hookers, gamblers and general lowlifes, and the other is the home of Las Vegas!

It’s a great night and I’ll tell you why.
The entire balcony here in the Ed Sullivan theater is full of guys who swear they were in the National Guard with George Bush.

-here’s more-

=> Jim Bell for Mayor

The only Democrat
running against three GOPs
(and, surprise, the only one to support gay marriage!)

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