Monday, February 16, 2004

Vincente FoxThis hot new set of playing cards ($20 value for only $9.95 which will surely be a collector’s item and help GOPs reclaim the White House) “depicts the enemies of America and Iraq’s liberation in a satirical way while revealing the evidence of their hatred, their own quotes against America!” The Deck of Weasels include Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Jacques Chirac, Barbra Streisand, Teddy Kennedy, Kofi Annan and many more. (Should be 52 or maybe they’re not playing with a full deck). A lot of work has gone into this little project to show each “enemy” wearing the beret of Saddam’s Republican Guard. Three of the baddies: >>> 5 of clubs: “I have not changed my mind one iota. We should not be in Iraq without United Nations support.” Walter Cronkite >> 10 of hearts: “Cloaked in patriotism and our doctrine of spreading democracy throughout the world, our fundamentalism is business, the unfettered spread of our economic interests throughout the globe. Our resistance to this war should be our resistance to profit at the cost of human life.” Susan Sarandon >>> Queen of clubs: “So, they haven’t been able to confirm reports he [Saddam] was taken to Tikrit, and then Mosul, and then hopefully to Syria.” Katie Couric

Here’s the deck the liberals use.

::: Women over 50 don’t have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them :::

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