Mike and Donna address September’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting

Nearly 70 neighbors filled Joyce Beers Community Center Tuesday evening to hear City Attorney Mike Aguirre speak on a variety of topics including a lack of water (90% is imported), fights at City Hall, recycling and giving up his car. Many of his comments were met by applause including “the Third District is the epicenter of intelligence” and “residents of Hillcrest have the ability to seek the truth.” The crowd broke into laughter when Mike commented that, “It really upsets me to get sued more than I sue others.”
Hillcrest Town Council meeting, September 11, 2007 with City Attorney Mike Aguirre & Councilwoman Donna FryeAguirre’s presentation was briefly interrupted when City Councilmember Donna Frye stopped by to offer an explanation for her vote at last week’s council meeting against the city adding its name to a friend-of-the-court brief in an appeal to the California Supreme Court re: the denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Frye noted that she has always believed in the public’s right to be heard, and she did not feel adequate time was allowed for those present to express their opinion. Fellow councilmembers did not support her request for the item to be re-docketed, so she voted against it, and the motion failed. The item has been re-docketed for September 18 when she will be voting in favor of the motion.

A panel representing the city planning department, Bankers Hill/Park West Association and the Hillcrest Town Council discussed the proposed Hillcrest Mobility Plan. It was generally agreed that the plan as presented is not acceptable to the community. A panel representing the city planning department, Bankers Hill/Park West Association and the Hillcrest Town Council discussed the proposed Hillcrest Mobility Plan. It was generally agreed that the plan as presented is not acceptable to the community. Many voiced a need for dedicated bike lanes, questioned the change to diagonal parking and were unanimous in their disagreement to the city’s proposal to establish dedicated bus lanes. Reports were heard from the centennial committee, encouraging all to participate in the Toast to Hillcrest and/or the Centennial Gala in Balboa Park. A check for $7,500 was presented to the Hillcrest History Guild by County Supervisor Ron Roberts’ office. The litter committee reported an upcoming community clean-up on Saturday, October 13 from 9am-noon.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 9 (6:30-8pm) when the Hillcrest Town Council will present a City Council District Three Candidates Forum moderated by the League of Women Voters.

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