Mike Aguirre at October Hillcrest Town Council

City Attorney Mike Aguirre spoke to 50 residents at Tuesday’s HTC meeting. Some of Mike’s quotes included…the election is “a fight for the life of SD” adding: We need to come together in a way we haven’t since World War II…SD can no longer accept out-of-control development …We need to “green up”, finding renewable energy sources…SD is running out of water. We need to change the “development machine” into an “infrastructure machine.” The City Attorney’s office was in shambles when Mike was elected four years ago in the midst of an SEC investigation, a $450M lawsuit from Rocky De La Fuente and other multi-million dollar lawsuits which have been resolved favorably.
Q&A session — What are his current priorities? Subprime lending (lawsuits to ensure responsibility of Wachovia & Countrywide), SDGE lawsuit because they started the wildfires fires, SDGE for not providing state-mandated renewable energy. Is he a media hound? He uses the media to educate the public when possible. He thinks San Diego has a much more educated public than in the past. Does he think the new 301 University project will be subject to the environmental impact reviews that stopped the old 301 University project? That depends on what the Uptown Planners do.

Jason Foster from the County Public Water Authority which provides for 97% of our water explained that our water comes from three places: local sources 15%, Colorado river 50% & 35% from the Bay Delta in northern Ca.. Our supply is falling dramatically. Mandatory cutbacks will take place in early 2009 if voluntary cutbacks are unsuccessful or the if the drought continues. Also being considered are: shutting off water meters to new developments or providing that the demand offset to new supplies. Amy Benjamin, policy advisor to Councilmember Toni Atkins office reported that Cal Trans cleaned up the homeless encampment on the 163 University Avenue off-ramp, and they are adding it to their Homeless Encampment crew’s list. Litter & Graffiti Committee reported that 30-40 HBIA trash cans will be placed throughout Hillcrest in the few weeks.

The Litter & Graffiti Committee provided suggested locations for the additional containers. E-mail your suggestions to the HTC. The next community clean-up will be Saturday, November 15th at 9am. Meet in front of Egyptian at Park & University avenues. A dumpster will be located at Numbers on Park Boulevard for large items.

The next Hillcrest Town Council meeting will be November 11 featuring speakers from the new 301 University project and a presentation of design principles from the council’s Development Committee.

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