Mi Arbolito sidewalks returning

Mi Arbolito sidewalks to return soonAfter being cut off to pedestrians for over five years, the sidewalks around the 14 story Mi Arbolito across from the NW corner of Balboa Park will be reopening soon. The silent and barren tower has stood empty at Sixth & Upas for months, nearly finished but stalled in the financial crisis that has gripped the rest of the nation. The project, developed by Delaware based 1700 Investors, LLC was originally dubbed “The Hole” after construction was delayed for over a year by neighbors at 666 Upas who filed a lawsuit after excavation for the subterranean parking began. The City approved the project ministerially without an environmental impact report, and it went up pretty fast, but the developer ran out of money, and the high rise landmark has been an incomplete eyesore for years. Congratulations to the developers for moving forward with a little spring cleaning and (hopefully) sales.

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