Mark the date (Three Weeks from Today! ) Uptown Sunrise Rotary Club will hold a Rummage Sale to benefit Florence Elementary on “Rotarians at Work” Day

Regina Smalley, SD Uptown Sunrise Rotary ClubOn Saturday, April 29 fifteen local community activists will be holding a rummage sale at Florence Elementary to benefit the school as part of the district-wide “Rotarians at Work” Day. This fundraiser is the culmination of a month’s long school beautification project which has included raised beds for a student vegetable garden and installing plantings on their grounds.

“We are proud to work together to aid and improve our communities and the lives of our neighbors,” said Chris Chase, San Diego Uptown Rotary Club President. “The Florence Project exemplifies our Club’s motto, ‘Think Big,’” said Chase. “It initiated our very soon-to-be five year old club into collaborations that have been beneficial for all concerned, one of the four-way test principles behind all that Rotarians say, think and do,” adding, “Our club, which meets at Terra Restaurant each Thursday morning at 7am, is a small, but mighty source of ongoing service to our community, and we welcome all who are interested in seeing us in action to visit us at our meetings.”
For more info about Rotarians at Work Day, email Scott Borden.

(Photo: Rotarian Regina Smalley plants a palm at Florence Elementary)

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