Making Hillcrest into Hong Kong?

Development projects like the one proposed for “301 University” are providing a test of the new Sanders administration. If the Planning & Development Services departments continue to claim that black is white, no one is going to believe that our city officials are concerned about infrastructure, community character, levels of service or citizens’ quality of life. In this project, we have city staff reports claiming the incredible: (1) 12 stories is completely compatible with a neighborhood of 1-3 stories; (2) a rise of 120 feet straight up from a narrow street, with no upper-floor setbacks, has no problem with scale or bulk; (3) and that added traffic is not a problem, even though Hillcrest streets are already jammed. If this nonsense continues, residents will conclude that the Mayor and his staff are merely promoters for developers, waiting to get into the private sector and reap their rewards for years of playing ball. If the staff malfeasance is not corrected, then none of the high-sounding promises about “livable communities” will be taken seriously.
Tom Mullaney is president of Friends of San Diego. He may be reached at (619) 795-1753. John Taylor is a leader of Save Hillcrest — No on 301. His number is (619) 997-5299.

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