Lots of opportunities around the ’hood

Hillcrester Dolores St. Louis introduces “Senior Power

Delores St. Louis with her award winner paintingAfter retirement in 1999 and moving from the “hub” of Los Angeles to the lovely community of Hillcrest, I found a Mecca of senior services at my fingertips. With a quest for learning I zeroed in on the continuing education,Emeritus Program for seniors, through San Diego Community College. Classes are free and offer Arts through Wellness; Spring, Summer and Fall. I have enjoyed classes in Music, Japanese Brush Painting and Writing. Anyone interested? Call the main Educational Cultural Complex at            (619) 388-4956      . For best exercise, I visited the Bud Kearns Swimming Pool, in Morley Field (only $2 admission for seniors per session). The pool is heated every day of the year making it delightful. I have never liked “shivering” while swimming.

While at Morley Field, check out the Balboa Tennis Club for senior tournaments. Then meander over to Balboa Park Senior Lounge, room 105, at Casa Del Prado, and enjoy activities with a friendly group; open 9:30am-3:30pm seven days per week, except holidays. Another great discovery was that the Parks & Recreation Department has a Senior Services Office located in the lobby of the City Administration Building, 202 C Street (open daily from 8am-5pm). Call             (619) 236-6905       and subscribe to the quarterly newsletter, “The Scroll” where I found great programs. It is full of information on senior activities: dances, special events and group tours.

Or pull up www.sandiego.gov/seniorservices. I discovered a senior art contest and entered two of my paintings. Award winning exhibits were displayed in the lobby of the Administration Building last month followed by an awards reception on Friday, October 15. One of my paintings made the final cut, and I was in good company. Wonderful pieces were displayed, showing seniors still have what it takes! (HQ note: an arts & crafts sales event is planned for next weekend…Dolores will report on it, too.)

Another find was when I took a photography class at the Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park. The instructor Joaquin Ortiz, both a photographer and educator, was truly excellent. He created an exciting class while bringing us into the world of digital photography. This is only the tip of the iceberg…so stay tuned. There is so much more for me to report.

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