Local residents elect new board members

SOHO board member Dan SoderburgHillcrest Town Council held its annual meeting tonight as nearly 50 neighbors elected new board members to fill three positions vacated when the terms of Juli Peters-Hyde, Nancy Moors and Tim Gahagan ended. Bruce Bielaski, Luke Terpstra and Tim Gahagan were elected to two-year terms.

During public comment, Dan Soderberg (pictured) talked aboutSave Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO)’s Historic Home Touron Saturday, March 21 and the premier of his documentary which showcases SOHO’s 40th anniversary on Monday, March 29 at the Theatre in Old Town. Bob Leyh represented San Diego Pride and Kristin Harms spoke about a new grassroots organization, San Diego Neighborhoods United.

The HTC passed a motion to defer the selection of an HTC representative to the Uptown Partnership board member to the Steering Committee who will then bring the nominee’s name to the HTC membership for confirmation. The selected candidate will be ratified by the Partnership board at their April meeting. Roy Dahl presented proposed guidelines for development in the business district for consideration by the council. Several neighbors offered that they like the low profile of buildings and questioned the need for greater density and sited the lack of infrastructure in Hillcrest.

John Taylor reviewed an impressive list of HTC accomplishments in 2009. The meeting ended with an annual financial report and AnnD Canavan reporting on the HTC’s newest committee, Hillcrest Goes Greener. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown Shopping District.

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