July’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting

Over 40 residents attended July’s HCT meeting Tuesday evening. Action items receiving unanimously approval were (1) to join Councilwoman Toni Atkins for the unveiling of a sign at Fifth & Upas (first of seven) on Thursday, July 26 at 10am which will designate Hillcrest’s boundaries and (2) giving thumbs up to an agenda of guest speakers for upcoming meetings — including Lori Saldaña (Aug 14), Mike Aguirre (Sept 11), city council candidate forum (Oct 9) and Chris Kehoe (Nov 12). Tom Mullaney, Friends of San Diego, updated the HTC on the legal challenge against the 301 University project (call 795-1753 to help). Government reps Todd Gloria (Susan Davis), Jeffery Tom (Toni Atkins) and Gary Rotto (Ron Roberts) updated the group on several issues, and Alex Sachs with the City Attorney’s office talked about Mike Aguirre’s proposal re: community planning groups.

Tim Gahagan, chair of the HTC litter committee provided information about this Saturday’s Centennial Cleanup. T-shirts were passed out to volunteers who committed to being there. Ann Garwood kicked off the Centennial Scavenger Quest, outlining the challenge to gather 100 pieces of information and items from throughout our community before noon on Thursday, August 2nd when the community will celebrate our 100th birthday with a noon cake cutting and evening neighborhood social. Warren Simon, Executive Director of the Hillcrest Business Improvement Association explained the role of the HBIA in the community and answered questions from the audience. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 14, from 6:30-8pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Hope you will join us!

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