Thanks for returning the shine :)

post-pride-cleanup2012The Bankers Hill Community Group and the Hillcrest Clean T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) partnered for the annual Neighborhood Post-Pride Clean-Up events on Monday July 21. Thanks to everyone who swept up Bankers Hill and Hillcrest after another successful LGBT Pride weekend. By the amount of trash left behind…a great time was had by all.

Dozens of residents and friends joined the Hillcrest group bright and early Monday morning (at 7am) on Park Boulevard just south of University. The Bankers Hill Community Group gathered at Sixth & Ivy (or joined in along Fifth or Sixth avenues). Some Park West residents cleaned-up throughout the weekend as volunteers received more than a great sense of pride! Those cleaning Bankers Hill got a new blue t-shirt. Volunteers in Hilcrest were in the traditionclean-upUCSDal bright orange. (The Clean TEAM is now over 10 years old.)

San Diego Pride donates $10 per volunteer hour to each neighborhood for their annual effort.

At noon volunteers in both communities met for refreshments, pizza and story telling at the Hillcrest Brewing Company on University (at Normal Street) thanks to the generosity of Chris Shaw.

Thanks to Luke Terpstra and Char-Lou Benedict for coordinating.

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