The community helped inaugurate pedestrian-activated, solar powered crosswalk flashers dedicated by interim mayor Todd Gloria on Monday evening, September 16. The signals are the first of their kind in San Diego. The neighborhood also took the opportunity to celebrate the recent addition of painted “ladder” style crosswalks.
(More are wanted!!)
The Bankers Hill Residents Group took the lead on the project with steering committee member, Jim Frost who communicated with city staff to make this improvement a reality. The Uptown Community Parking District funded the project at the request of the Bankers Hill Committee.
Residents helped out in June (when the city conducted a crossing count) to demonstrate how difficult it is to cross Sixth Avenue at Spruce. The count was key in the neighborhood getting a safer passage to Balboa Park…along with a flashing sign. This intersection connects the community of Bankers Hill, and the area’s largest hotel, with the new children’s playground across the street.
Other neighborhood accomplishments of the Bankers Hill Residents Group are moving towards fruition including stop signs on First Avenue at both Spruce and Juniper. Also, at the request of residents, the City removed a vehicle right turn lane onto Sixth Avenue from the I-5N exit (just before it becomes Elm Street) and added a crosswalk from Bankers Hill into Balboa Park. This group is making things happen.
After the new lights were inaugurated at 6pm the group made their way to the top floor of the Inn at the Park where the residents group meets. This month, Senator Marty Block addressed neighbors along with a representative from SANDAG who presented the Uptown Bike Corridor routes being proposed for Bankers Hill neighborhood.