HTC votes to support extending the IHO

Over 40 people came to the Hillcrest Town Council meeting Tuesday evening at the Joyce Beers Community Center. California State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins spoke to the group about her role in state government as San Diego’s representative from the 76th district. She recapped the various committee she sits on and her priorities as assemblywoman and then took questions from the audience.

An evening of public comment followed. HTC Vice President Anne Haule introduced a list of initiatives for the upcoming year and asked neighbors to indicate which ones were most important and outreached for someone to head up each committee. The issues included homelessness, community gardens, socials, etc. The evening continued with a presentation by Interim Height Ordinance (IHO) Task Force chair Barry Hager who explained that the IHO will sunset in January 2012 without an updated community plan in place. City Council has directed staff to return with a new ordinance making the IHO coterminous with the implementation of the updated community plan. Hager encouraged the community to express their support of the IHO to their city representatives. Hillcrester Walter Chambers countered the suggestion citing that there had not been sufficient community input since the subject was first discussed in 2008. HTC Development Committee member Roy Dahl made a motion for the HTC to reaffirm its support of the IHO Task Force position. After discussion, the motion was approved with one dissenting vote.

This was the last meeting of 2011 for the HTC. Next month, the Hillcrest History Guild (HHG) will sponsor the annual Holiday Community Potluck on the second Tuesday (December 13) at 6:30pm in the same location. Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share. The HHG will provide the main dish which will be complimented by offerings from area restaurants.

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