HTC elects its first board

Over 60 people attended tonight’s Hillcrest Town Councilmeeting at the Joyce Beers Community Center. After two years being led by a steering committee, the group voted for their first board of directors with 53 qualifying neighbors electing Tim Gahagan, Ann Garwood, Juli Peters-Hyde, Nancy Moors and John Taylor. They will now decide who holds each of the five officer positions.

Nick Norvell, area representative for Congresswoman Susan Davis, made a presentation of highlights from the newly passed Stimulus Plan and what they mean to San Diegans including an extended period of time to collect unemployment, credits for small businesspeople and one-time payments to disabled veterans & people on social security. The Stimulus Plan is expected to create over 30,000 jobs in San Diego. George Wedemeyer made a presentation about traffic and pedestrian calming in his neighborhood, north of Washington (aka the hospital zone). The HTC voted to write a letter in support of his proposal.

A representative from County Supervisor Ron Roberts office informed the council that the county has received $5.1 million in funds to help ease the foreclosure crisis. Courtney Thomson, representative from Councilmember Todd Gloria’s office announced a neighborhood mixer on Saturday, March 28 from 12:30-2pm at Cafe Eleven/David’s Coffeehouse at 1440 University Avenue. Bring your questions and concerns. The donation hat to help with HTC expenses was passed, netting $59.

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