How should our next city council district lines be drawn?

“In my opinion, District 3 shares more in common with Bankers Hill and Mission Hills than with some of the eastern areas…move it so that all people in those areas, which have more in common, are represented.”

— Hillcrest Town Council board member Dave McCulloch at a recent redistricting meeting

How should our next city council district lines be drawn?What is your opinion on redistricting?!?

The Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) is working to create mapping options with an independent group Redistricting California. Come to the next HTC meeting on Tuesday, May 10 to learn more and share your thoughts.

At the April 12th meeting of the HTC, residents listened to Midori Wong, chief of staff for the city’s redistricting committee followed by LGBT representative Linda Perrine, Vince Hall and HTC members Tom McDowell who works with the independent Redistricting California and Dave McCulloch. Everyone is encouraged to give public testimony throughout the process, but especially before mid-May when the commissioners will be drawing their preliminary maps.

Should the shape of District 3 remain the same with Hillcrest on the west and City Heights on the east…or should our next district represent the older neighborhoods circling Balboa Park? (Bankers Hill and Mission Hills are currently in District 2.) The redistricting committe wants your input!!!

One young man from downtown who attended the uptown meeting thought his neighborhood should be a part of Hillcrest’s next district since he parties here. What do you think? An alliance of which communities will help our representation at City Hall?

This coming Saturday (April 30) the redistricting committee will hold a meeting beginning at 10am in the Sante Fe Room of the Balboa Park Club in the park. Please attend and share your thoughts!

If it’s more convenient to your schedule, two other meeting will take place on (1) Monday, April 25 at 6pm — Qualcomm Headquarters Main Services Building, 5775 Morehouse Drive or (2) on Wednesday, April 27 at 6pm — in the Tierrasanta Recreation Center, Clairemont Mesa Boulevard.

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