How long will the Quince Street bridge be closed?

How long will the Quince Street bridge be closed?

Close up of the damage to the Quince Street Pedestrian Bridge

A western portion of the 106-year old wooden pedestrian bridge that crosses Maple Canyon connecting Bankers Hill to Balboa Park was crushed by a large eucalyptus tree over a week ago. The popular footbridge wasdesignated a historic site in 1987. Please email Councilman Kevin Faulconerto ask for a quick repair to this neighborhood favorite. Can you see the bridgein these old photos?

The word from the city is: “Once the engineering staff’s assessment is complete an estimate of repair cost will be prepared. Risk management has been notified, and once the City has an estimate they will advise if the City can pursue insurance. There is no time frame for repairs or funding options until this assessment completed. They will advise all involved upon completion of the task.”Keep your fingers crossed for a quick fix…but please continue to contact the city until this bridge is repaired.

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