How can the City of San Diego make money to offset their budget woes?

The zoo parking lot was again over-flowing with cars this weekend…

…perhaps it’s time for cars to pay for parking in Balboa Park
As a resident of Bankers Hill and an artist at Spanish Village, I walk through Balboa Park at least three days a week, so it was with interest that I attended a recent meeting where plans for the future of the park were shared. I learned that the lack of funding is a real challenge.
Then it hit me… paid parking is everywhere at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Balboa Park has none. Guests visit our park from many areas. I see license plates from different states, Mexico and, of course, California. All these people are enjoying the park, but are not paying for maintenance in any way. There Row after row of cars parking at the San Diego Zoo for freeare an inordinate number of cars in and around the park, and the influx will not be alleviated unless a smart plan is put into place.
I propose that parking meters be placed at all spaces inside Balboa Park as well as along Park Boulevard between Upas Street and Presidents Way. All the parking at the Zoo would also become paid. I propose that residents (say within ten miles) could buy a “local” sticker for $20 per year, and then be exempt from paying the meter price. Those who work in the park would buy an “employee” sticker $50/year. Everyone else would have to walk, ride a bike, take public transportation or pay for parking. I understand that the new meters and enforcement agents will cost the City, but the cost of setting up this plan will be offset soon after implementation. I see firsthand the collapse of the park’s infrastructure. Spanish Village is in dire need of remodeling. Other areas of the park are also in ill repair. Balboa Park is a public jewel that needs to be maintained and grown. We need to get on with the idea of paid parking and make it happen soon!

About the Author: Fourth generation Californian Sali Weiss, a member of the SD Sculptors Guild, is quite passionate about Balboa Park. (Reprinted from HillQuest, edition six)

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