Historic San Miguel

Hot air ballooning over San Miguel de Allende“It’s like stepping back into history!” The HillQuest gals highly recommend a visit to this lovely Spanish town in the highlands of central Mexico. San Miguel de Allende (in the state of Guanajuanto) offers lots of fun (hot air ballooning or horseback riding), great dining and values galore.

San Miguel takes you in and befriends you. Here, the town is the thing, the promise of community. Art is everywhere…along with churches. The streets are cobbled and their sidewalks narrow. People talk to each other, engage easily. More than likely, you will see a sprinkling of Americans crossing El Jardín or sitting on benches around the center’s bandstand, but they aren’t necessarily tourists — many expatriots live here as well as wealthy Americans with second homes. It’s a beautiful town filled with charm, love and people celebrating life. On September 16 Mexico will celebrate the bicentennial of their independence — follow the red “Ruta 2010” signs along new roads in their rolling countryside.

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