HillQuest’s seventh edition just weeks away

G. Aubrey Davidson, the man behind San Diego’s first ExpositionThe new HillQuest Urban Guide will begin distribution at advertiser locations the end of June with usual goodies such as community history, pioneers, dining, shopping, fun and maps of our neighborhood. HQ7 will also feature chapters on local characters and North Park.

Founding father Alonzo Horton holds the first copy (the map of SD has been missing for years). San Diego’s visionary first sailed into SD Bay on April 15, 1867, and while awaiting a ride to the town center (now Old Town) he strolled up a knoll and envisioned a city beyond the sagebrush. Just as Wm. Heath Davis (17 years earlier), Horton believed for San Diego to prosper, it needed to be located on the harbor, and his land purchase set a new city in motion.

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