HillQuest’s earlybird rates available through December

It’s that time of year again, and with the end of 2008 quickly approaching, HillQuest’s volume seven is underway. This award-winning community favorite will again debut in the spring, but if you place your order now through the end of December you’ll get our annual earlybird rates (which allows you to buy next year’s ad for last year’s prices — as little as 90¢ per day). As a bonus…purchase an ad in the next HillQuest, an Urban Guide to 92103…and beyond! and get your business information posted on www.hillquest.com the same day! With thousands of visitors, there is no better way to promote yourself for less than a dollar a day.
Year after year HillQuest features new, unique and quirky stories about Uptown history, people, places and things. Is there something that you would like to learn about or do you have a story to share? Please let us know.
For the last two years HillQuest, an Urban Guide has featured one of our neighboring communities. This year’s “Neighbor Chapter” will focus on hip North Park, the SoHo of San Diego. From Ray at Night to the North Park signFestival of the Arts and from the Birch North Park Theatre to the Holiday Toyland Parade and the Indie Music Festival…North Park offers an eclectic array of restaurants and independent coffee shops along the main arteries of 30th Street and University Avenue. The area is also dotted with bars and night clubs that cater to a diverse community. Learn more about this neighbor to our east in our next edition. Don’t miss this opportunity to $ave money with earlybird rates.
As HQ7 is underway we welcome suggestions for this year’s articles. Know some great history about Uptown? Or a community character worth sharing? Please give us a call at (619) 260-1929 to discuss being a part of HillQuest’s seventh edition.

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