Hillcrest Town Council Tuesday

April Hillcrest Town Council meetingAll Hillcrest renters and homeowners are invited to attend this Tuesday’s (May 13th) meeting from 6:30-8pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District.
It will begin with public comments, followed by a limited open mic opportunity for candidates running for political offices including City Council Destrict 3, US Assembly and mayor. Those committed thus far are: Steve Francis, Mike Copass, Todd Gloria, Floyd Morrow, Stephen Whitburn, Robert Lee and James Hartline.

This will be one of the last opportunities to ask questions to these candidates before the June primary. Please attend and add to the village’s voice. Invite your neighbors to this meeting. We will also begin voting monthly on Hillcrest properties, enhanced with plants and flowers, that are improving our environment. Bring your nominations. The Hillcrest Town Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Questions? Call 260-1929.

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