Hillcrest Town Council meeting

Stacey LoMedico speaking to the Hillcrest Town Council, March 13, 2010 at the Hillcrest Town Council meeting at the Joyce Beers Community CenterOver 40 local residents met at the Joyce Beers Community Center for the March meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council Tuesday night. Stacey LoMedico from the City of San Diego (shown) presented plans for the city’s centennial celebration of the 1915 exposition in Balboa Park. Mayor Sanders is promoting a plan to include a pedestrian mall in the Plaza de Panama and a new tram & traffic management system. The Committee of 100 is supporting this effort.

Pepe Stepensky, owner of the new Porkyland provided treats. Public comment included: (1) upcoming SOHO May Day event at the Marston House May 1st, (2) Lori Saldana’s office has sent on to CalTrans the HTC letter requesting resolution to the congestion issues at Tenth & Robinson, (3) This Saturday’s Taste of Hillcrest, (4) HBA is outreaching for CityFest volunteers, (5) Todd Gloria requests people attend the city council hearing on Wednesday 4/21 re: problems with area homeless issues, (6) Bruce Bielaski was unanimously confirmed as an Uptown Partnership boardmember.

Jeff Harding from Recycle San Diego discussed the e-waste disposal. Last Sunday’s recycling event at the AT&T parking lot netted 8,000 pounds of e-waste in three hours. Tim Gahagan announced next clean-up will be Saturday, May 29th beginning 9am at Hillcrest Shell (4th & Washington). The event will end three hours later at Urban Mo’s where all volunteers will receive a free cocktail.
Please take this HTC survey on Hillcrest building heights

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