Hillcrest Town Council meeting

Bob Grinchuk, Nancy Moors and Ben Nicholls receiving LION Awards from the Hillcrest Town CouncilSeveral dozen residents attended the May meeting for Hillcrest residents at Joyce Beers Community Center last evening from 6:30-8pm. HBA director Ben Nicholls gave a presentation on the Uptown Street Car. A motion was unanimously passed supporting the concept of linking Downtown San Diego through Bankers Hill to Hillcrest with the creation of a “Portland Style” Streetcar. Theu suggested name is the Uptown Streetcar.  The organization supports hiring a transportation planning firm to study the feasibility and benefits of installing a streetcar and to conduct an analysis of options to finance the streetcar. Informal vote: lobby Hillcrest Parking for free/cheaper meter rates vs. more meters. Vote for free parking passed unanimously. The HTC tabled a motion to remove meters. Discussion and a vote will be held at the Tuesday, June 8th meeting.

Co. Supervisor candidate Stephen Whitburn explained his frustrations with current board – five conservatives who have been in office for at least 16 years each. Stephen thinks there should be at least one progressive voice. He thinks the board is doing a bad job with three areas that the county is tasked with managing: (1) Overseeing social services (not being provided very well) (2) Development in County Land (excessive) and (3) Public Safety (no fire department). The free “social responsibility” signs were a big hit. Several “Be a good neighbor. Pick up after your pooch” were picked up. The next clean-up will be May 29th from 9am-noon. Meet at the Hillcrest Shell at Washington & Fourth. All volunteers will receive a free drink at Urban Mo’s. A dumpster will be available for community use.

Next NIC meeting will discuss suggestions for bike rack locations. SDPD Officer Dave Surwilo reported a rash of burglaries in University Heights – 20 in one month. No forced entry. Be sure to lock doors and shut windows! LION awards were presented to Bob Grinchuk (above) for the Hillcrest MAD & Nancy Moors and Ben Nicholls of the HBA for trash & sidewalk clean-up. Santa Fe Court apartments at 3953 Centre were honored with a third Let’s Improve Our Neighborhood (LION) award.

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