Hillcrest Town Council fills the Joyce Beers Community Center

Pride ED Ron deHarte speaking to the Hillcrest Town Council meeting, June 9, 2009Over 60 neighbors and guests attended the June meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) on Tuesday night in the warm (get that air conditioning fixed) Joyce Beers Community Center. Ron De Harte, left, director of San Diego LGBT Pride talked about street closures for this year’s parade on Saturday, July 18 and how the communiy would be cleaned-up after the party is over. Government representatives from CD3, State Assemblymember Saldaña, Congresswoman Susan Davis’s office, Supervisor Ron Roberts and the Uptown Partnership presented reports.

Kyrsten Burr-Rosenthal with the SD Water Department talked about the implementation of the Level 2 Water Alert which allows for watering only three days a week. Residents were instructed to water either after 6pm or before 10am. Single family homes with even numbered addresses may water (or wash cars) on Saturday, Monday & Wednesday only; odd number addresses on Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday; condos and apartments are limited to watering landscape, gardens or washing cars only on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

Bar and club owners Nick Moede (Rich’s & Numbers), Chris Shaw (Urban Mo’s & Baja Betty’s), Alex Marin (Bamboo Lounge) and SDPD officer David Surwillo addressed concerns of noise, litter and unruly behavior of bar patrons by neighbors primarily from Essex Street. The HTC, Hillcrest Business Association, Councilmember Gloria’s office and the bar/club owners will work together towards solutions that include parking at the DMV and Uptown District, posting notices to be respectful of neighbors and litter pick-up.

Big thanks to Babbo Grande restaurant for providing the pasta primavera and garlic bread. The lovely HTC donation hat was passed through the crowd at the end of the meeting, and $63 was collected for incidental expenses. Next month’s neighborhood meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, July 14th from 6:30-8pm.

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