Hillcrest Town Council’s position to the redistricting committee

Dear Commissioners,

The Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) would like to communicate to you that on May 10th it passed a motion describing the composition of it’s desired City Council District. The HTC envisions a common “community of interest” of neighborhoods of character south of I-8 and centered around Balboa Park.

These neighborhoods are generally composed of older homes and have similar civic needs and issues. They are heavily dependent on the maintenance of San Diego’s infrastructure and basic city services, but benefit less from some of the other city activities.

Hillcrest Town Council redistricting map

These neighborhoods all share common concerns about development, re-development, and historical preservation. (The map above was presented at the meeting and is slightly short of the population requirements for a city council district.) As such, the HTC motion also requested that the commissioners add appropriate neighboring communities in order to satisfy the population requirements, however the HTC would not like to see Downtown included in its district. Our map is very similar to the map drawn up by the LGBT task force, except that our map excludes Downtown and includes Golden Hill and Normal Heights.

Thank you for your time and your commitment to San Diego,

Luke Terpstra, Chair
Hillcrest Town Council

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