Hillcrest residents vote for more free parking, fewer meters

Hillcrest Town Council meeting, June 8, 2010Tuesday night’s Hillcrest Town Council meeting at Joyce Beers Community Center featured a parking panel (below) made up of Carol Schultz (director of the Uptown Partnership), Nick Moede (HBA VP and owner of Rich’s) and Leo Wilson (chair of the Uptown Planners and the Bankers Hill/Park West Community Association). Currently 45% of Hillcrest parking meter money is to be spent in the neighborhood, but Parking panel at the June 8, 2010 Hillcrest Town Council meeting -- Carol Schultz, Nick Moede and Leo Wilsonthe community is frustrated with the inequality of no meters in similar neighborhoods like North Park, La Jolla, PB and OB. Leo Wilson called this a “competitive disadvantage” for Hillcrest. At the end of discussion residents voted 15-13 to remove parking meters from Hillcrest. A second vote for more free parking and fewer meters also passed 17-6.

The group unanimously supported George Wedemeyer’s letter to the city asking for the installation of a traffic signal at Third & Washington. Roy Dahl presented the Hillcrest Business District Survey for the development committee (here are all the details). Jay Corrales, VP of the local US Green Building Council explained better options for our environment. Five easy upgrades with quick paybacks are more efficient lighting, HVAC (heating ventilation air conditioning), windows & doors, insulation, and electrical equipment (like using Energy Star appliances). On June 26th the Kensington Clean Energy Festival will take place from 10:30-2:30.

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