Hillcrest residents support lower height limits

htcjan2014At the January meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council (held Tuesday evening January 14, 2014) local residents voted to support a motion which was brought forward by the HTC steering committee to limit building heights in Hillcrest to 50 feet (ministerially — without any community input) and no taller than 65′ (after a discretionary review from the neighborhood) in all commercial areas with the exception of Fourth Avenue between Robinson and Upas where the height limit would be 32′ (ministerial) and 50′ (after discretionary reviews). HTC-logoThe neighborhood boundaries that the HTC discussed were First Avenue on the west, Upas on the south, Park Boulevard on the east and Washington/Lincoln on the north. The HTC did not review the Medical Complex District, north of Washington. Residential zoning heights would not change.

The last 15 minutes of Tuesday’s meeting were given to mayoral candidate David Alvarez who stopped by to briefly explain the difference between his platform supporting neighborhoods vs the Big Business candidate. Councilman Kevin Faulconer was invited, but unavailable to attend the residents’ monthly meeting. Councilman Alvarez encouraged everyone to vote on Tuesday, Feb 11.

The Hillcrest Town Council meets at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8pm.

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