Hillcrest residents meeting next Tuesday evening

Hillcrest Town Council meeting, January 2009This month’s meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council (HTC) will be held Tuesday, January 12 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District.

This month’s agenda from chair John Taylor includes introductions all present; public comment; HTC bylaw amendment by Bruce Bielaski; Von representatives, Jan Martin & Brian Braaten, who will share plans for the new Von’s grocery store design for their location at Dove & Washington streets; the new UCSD Medical Complex CEO Tom Jackiewicz will discuss the future of the neighborhood hospital; the Neighborhood Improvement Committee (NIC) report from chair Tim Gahagan with the presentation of two LIONS awards to Hillcrest residents by NIC member Luke Terpstra; and a community plan update from the development committee presented by Roy Dahl (this committee is now chaired by Bob Martynec).

Joyce Beers Community Center is location on Vermont Street just north of Cleveland Avenue (between Terra and Aladdin restaurants). Everyone is welcome and all Hillcrest residents are encouraged to become involved. The HTC meets on the second Tuesday of each month (accept in December).

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