Hillcrest Potluck Dinner on Tuesday

potluck-Dave-smThis Tuesday, December 10 from 6:30-8pm the Joyce Beers Community Center in the Uptown District will be filled with cheer for the seventh annual holiday potluck dinner, this year hosted by the Hillcrest History Guild and the Hillcrest Town Council. UCSD Medical Center is preparing the turkeys, and Scripps Mercy Hospital is preparing the dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy! Bread & Cie, Mo’s Universe and other local restaurants are adding their yummy donations. The community is asked to bring a salad, dessert or vegetable dish to add to the feast and join the fun. Following the dinner a few short presentations will be made along with a slideshow from local sculptor Ruth Hayward who created the four pioneer creations of Kate Sessions, George Marston, Ephraim Morse, and Alonzo Horton (all located near the intersection of Balboa Park Drive and Laurel Street).

Hope to see you there! Have questions or want to be involved? Please call (619) 260-1929.

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