Hillcrest for the Holidays…

The Perfect Gift for 2007 — a Year of Peace
Blue Stocking Books calendarWhen was the last time you browsed the aisles of Kris Nelson’s Bluestocking Books at 3817 Fifth Avenue? This great Hillcrest storefront has been home to independent booksellers for over four decades. Kris features music, journals and unique gift ideas along with a wide selection of new & used books. As a bonus on the first Friday of each month she hosts the Seesaw Ensemble for an evening of live music. Stop by on Friday, January 5th and support artists & small businesses in Hillcrest!

“Another casualty of increasing rent and decreasing parking availability in downtown redevelopment is Many Hands, the oldest San Diego artist co-op.”
— Connie Govier in Monday’s letters to the U-T
re: fading businesses in the Gaslamp

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