Scripps Mercy Hospital has asked for a demolition permit for this old bungalow across from their ER. Several community organizations, including the Uptown Planners, the Hillcrest Town Council, Save Hillcrest, the Hillcrest History Guild and the Neighborhood Historic Preservation Coalition have overwhelming supported saving the 1911 structure. Its hearing will be tomorrow afternoon at City Hall.
Friday at 1pm the city’s Historic Resources Board will consider historic designation of three important properties in our neighborhood: Item #6: 2900 Sixth Avenue (right), George and Alice Hazard House. One of the last great residences left along Sixth Avenue, where many of San Diego’s most influential families lived. We’ve lost many great homes along this street: Klauber, Mrs. U.S. Grant & U.S. Grant Presidential Library, our only Greene & Greene, many Irving Gill houses, etc. Staff is supporting designation. Item #8: 4040 Fifth (shown above). The last bungalow in front
of Scripps Mercy Hospital; part of William Wesley Whitson’s original “Hillcrest” subdivision in what was then “University Heights.” Staff is supporting designation. Item #9: 1041-47 University Avenue (left). With Rich’s on the east and Pomegranate to the west, the former home of Euphoria Coffeehouse is one of the best existing wooden Edwardian commercial buildings in Hillcrest. Staff is not recommending its designation. The loss of this building would tear the heart out of Hillcrest’s historic business district.
The Friday afternoon hearing will be held at the City Administration Building, 202 C Street, 12th floor. Please take action by attending and supporting historic designation of these three properties and helping to preserve Hillcrest’s rich past. It will be a huge loss to the community if these properties are hauled to the landfill.