Help plan Hillcrest’s future?

boutique hotelThe current Uptown Community Plan was created over 20 years ago and provided zoning for building heights up to 200 feet in the heart of Hillcrest without accommodating the increased density that accompanies that growth. This has often resulted in conflicts between the development community, the planning group and residents of Hillcrest (remember the 301 University project?).

In 2008 the community successfully made the case that continual approval of high rise buildings with over-sized units had a significant cumulative impact on the neighborhood’s quality of life and community character…and the City Council passed the Interim Height Ordinance (IHO) which supported a 65-foot height limit for much of Hillcrest. The community wanted the IHO to remain in place until the update of the new plan, but were assured by the city that the updated plan would be in effect before the IHO expired, so that idea was rejected. We’re now nervously watching the calendar. Since 14 of the 30 months have passed, the Hillcrest Town Council unanimously voted to extend the IHO deadline until the plan update is place. Two days ago (October 16) Marlon Pangilinan, Senior Planner for the City of San Diego’s Planning & Community Investments Department announced that the time has nearly arrived to get to work on the Uptown Community Plan Update (it was supposed to begin last March). The first public meeting for neighborhood stakeholders will be held Thursday, October 29 in the Santa Fe Room of the Balboa Park Club from 6-8pm.

Save our history. In 2006, consultants prepared the Uptown Historical Survey for approval by the city’s Historic Resources Board. Based on concerns raised by community members (because city staff changed the definition of California’s recognized status codes), it was not adopted. The study found that over half of the Uptown planning area was available for new development. This area includes some of San Diego’s finest and oldest neighborhoods. The Hillcrest Business Association, the Hillcrest History Guild and the Hillcrest Town Council were chosen in a lottery as community stakeholders and received seats at the table. The Town Council’s seat, not yet chosen, is open to any Hillcrest resident. Want to participate? The deadline for submitting an application will be Monday, October 26 at 5pm. Do you have the time to attend monthly meetings and help plan our neighborhood’s future? Please become involved.

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