Help plan Hillcrest’s future

Saturday morning from 9am-noon in the Recital Hall (near the Auto museum) councilmembers Kevin Faulconer and Toni Atkins will host an open forum to take input on the current Uptown Community Plan. If we view the changes in height, density, housing unit buildout and population increase, the current and projected development in Uptown is dramatically different from that anticipated when the 1988 Uptown Community Plan was created. It has never been updated.

Impacts from continuing this path have not been analyzed. Development has exceeded the community plan in both height and density, creating unexpected impacts. Yet the public facilities planned 28 years ago have not been provided, so those assumptions about community character, transportation, and park, library and fire station facilities are no longer valid. An interim ordinance is needed to reign in unexpected development until an entire replanning effort can be completed. Please attend.

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