Help decide the future height of 92103

Need a ride to City Hall Tuesday, July 8th?

We’ll pick you up and bring you home.

This meeting is very important for our community. Developers, the SD Association of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce and Building Industry Association will be asking the City Council to vote against the IHO. If you live in the Uptown area and need a ride to/from the meeting, please make a reservation by noon on Wednesday, July 2. (Earlier the better, so we may arrange for the appropriate vehicles.)
How do I make reservation? Email or call (619) 997-5299
Where will you pick me up? The location will be determined based on demand — reserve early.
What if I want to return early? A vehicle will be waiting for your return trip after 2:45pm.
What is the latest return time? Last vehicle will return 30 minutes after the City Council meeting.

Come Celebrate with Us!
The next regular meeting of the Hillcrest Town Council meeting will be held the same night (Tuesday, July 8) from 6:30-8pm at the Joyce Beers Community Center (near Trader Joe’s). Area restaurants are donating treats to share at this month’s Meet & Greet. (and hopefully, we will be celebrating the new Interim Height Ordinance for our neighborhood). Join in this fun Hillcrest social.

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