Help close loopholes on reckless demolitions?

At the beginning of September the Uptown Planners unanimously approved putting forward proposals to close loopholes to address reckless demolitions. What is a reckless demolition? It is when seemingly overnight a building disappears. Sometimes with permits issued, but not always the right permit.
Sometimes reports have been manipulated to skew facts in favor of issuing permits or sometimes without any permits at all.
The Uptown Planners group has studied this issue over several years and proposed recommendations to specifically close the loopholes and add checks and balances into the current system. “The end result will be better compliance of the existing review processes,” said Leo Wilson, Chair of the Uptown Planers, “This will better enable preservation of San Diego’s historic architecture and cultural heritage; decrease discarding high quality materials such as old growth lumber; and ultimately result in a clear and more consistent review process that benefits everyone.” Shifting the culture of bypassing the systems that are in place is a challenge, but with numerous reckless demolitions that have occurred in Uptown since a new 45-year-review team has been installed, and the upset that it causes in the community, the Uptown Planners chose to provide proposals to close the loopholes to the City Council. The Land Use & Housing committee of the City Council will hear this issue at 2pm thisWednesday, September 23. Please help save the character of Hillcrest and San Diego’s other older communities.
Historic neighborhoods turn a great city into a fine city. For more details, read this press release from Uptown Planners Janet O’Dea & Leo Wilson. Become involved by contacting Todd Gloria.

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