HBIA welcomes new director

Nancy Moors, Bob Grinchuk and new HBIA Executive Director Benjamin NichollsBenjamin “Ben” Nicholls (right) took over the helm of the Hillcrest Business Improvement Association (HBIA) today as the new Executive Director. Nicholls made the move from Pacific Beach, where he was the Executive Director for the beach neighborhood’s 1,300-plus member business district. Shown with HBIA VP Nancy Moors and Transition Chair Bob Grinchuk, the trio lunched at City Deli today. Nicholls also brings experience from the Pioneer Square Community Association, which represents over 800 small businesses and residents in Seattle’s historic downtown. Originally from New Zealand, Ben was a legislative assistant for the United NZ Party. He takes over the reins from retiring HBIA director Warren Simon. Stop by their office at 3737 Fifth Avenue and say “hello” or come to next Tuesday’s monthly business meeting.

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