GSDBA Announces Winner of 2008 Directory Cover

Shawn Ryan and GSDBA president Michelle Burkart with 2008 cover designGreater San Diego Business Association members attending a mixer last week voted on a cover design for the organization’s 2008 Directory, which will be distributed early next year throughout San Diego County. Shawn Ryan, a graphics designer at IBM (shown here with GSDBA president Michelle Burkart), won $700 for his multi-color submission featuring nighttime photography of San Diego’s skyline and the GSDBA’s new motto, “Friends Do Business With Friends.” Members at the mixer voted from several entries submitted into the annual contest.

“The winning design stands out in a crowd, and since we distribute more than 30,000 copies of the directory, we know this cover will entice members and potential members to take a look at it,” says Joyce Marieb, executive director of the GSDBA. The 300-plus page Directory contains detailed listings on hundreds of businesses owned by gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gay-friendly entrepreneurs from throughout San Diego County. For more info about GSDBA call (619) 296-4543.

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