From Thursday’s No on Prop D rally…

Roz Winstead speaking at a NO on PROP D rally at San Diego City Hall, June 3, 2010“My name is Roz Winstead (right), and I’m proud to be in the company of Donna and Marti in urging a NO VOTE on Prop D. As a woman of color and a small business owner for 20 years, I can tell you that the decision voters will make (next Tuesday) on June 8 will determine the kind of City we will live in for years to come. Voters will decide whether we empower special interests and invite their corrupting influence or demand a City government that represents and is accountable to all its citizens — men and women of every hue, rich, poor, housed and homeless.

The 5 year “Strong Mayor” experiment was backed by big business interests, lobbyists and developers, and it clearly delivered the goods for them. It failed miserably however in assuring transparency, and fair and open competition for small firms seeking to do business with the City. The fingerprints of powerful special interest groups, armed with Political Action Committees can be seen in the City’s blatant disregard for its own contracting regulations and enforcement obligations. An April 30 report from the City Auditor confirms this fact — and what the Executive Branch didn’t want us to know. San Diego is a pay to play town, and hiding the ball as the Mayor has done for the last 5 years — won’t change that.

The Prop D campaign was deceptive from the beginning and remains so today. If passed, it will institutionalize a flawed “reform” that serves a few — at the expenses of many. The proponent’s ballot argument actually states that, “Problems that were previously swept under the rug are now subjected to vigorous and open public debate.” Are they kidding?? This is incredibly false — unless you file a Public Record Act Request — or a lawsuit!!! ehh Donna??

Don’t be fooled by the accountability hype. Vote No on Prop D and encourage your friends, neighbors and colleagues to do so as well. Prop D is deceptive and dangerous to a City with a culture and history like ours. Let’s get the Mayor back on the Council, save taxpayers millions of dollars — and let the bright light of public scrutiny into the dark board rooms where deals are too often cut — and decisions impacting all of our lives — are too often made. I urge you to vote NO ON PROP D!!”

Insiders are behind Prop D…how about you? League of Women Voters says NO

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