Friday, May 7, 2010

Pat Flannery: I went to a strong-mayor forum (Prop D) Wednesday night at the San Diego County Health Complex sponsored by Common Cause and Empower San Diego, with guest speakers Donna Frye and Carl DeMaio. It was well attended, informal, with lots of great comments and questions. Carl and Donna are a great double act and the crowd loved it.
For me, what emerged was a pointed reminder of the continuous struggle between a secretive privileged elite and the rest of us. Carl DeMaio, who by temperament should identify with the forgotten masses, seems to yearn for acceptance by San Diego’s ruling elite. It will never happen. Those of us who have lived here long enough know that San Diego is an elitist closed shop. …
Here’s how a strong-mayor would work. He/she would veto an item passed by the Council 5 to 4. A super-majority of 6 to 3 would be required to override that powerful veto. Insider money would easily own 4 of the 9 votes. They already do: Faulconer, DeMaio, Young and Gloria (the Lincoln Club just bought Young’s vote). The City Council would be effectively emasculated. That’s what a strong-mayor would mean. That is the plan. Here is the rest of Pat’s report after attending the meeting below.
Donna Frye, Jeanne Brown with Common Cause San Diego, and Carl DeMaio at a Proposition D (Strong Mayor) Forum on May 5, 2010
Donna and Carl debate Prop D 
SD Common Cause and EMPOWER San DiegoSTRONG MAYOR FORUM at the County Health Complex, 3851 Rosecrans Wednesday night. In the corner for Yes on Prop Dwas Councilman Carl DeMaio and in the No on Prop Dcorner…local favorite Donna Frye.

The public was invited to enhance their understanding by hearing both sides of the debate to make the “strong mayor” form of government permanent. Carl DeMaio and Donna Frye good naturally sparred over Proposition D which will appear on the June 8 ballot. Passing Prop D will also increase the city council by one seat. While Carl seemed to agree with everything Donna said, he just couldn’t bring himself to change his position to No on Prop D. Local politico Pat Flanneryeven offered that the group would support DeMaio for mayor if he would campaign for Prop D’s defeat. Everyone agreed new city charter amendments are needed either way. Shown with Donna and Carl is Jeanne Brown of SD Common Cause.

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