Friday, January 7, 2005

A lawsuit seeking to overturn San Diego’s mayoral election was filed yesterday stating that election officials have “unlawfully and unconstitutionally disenfranchised thousands of eligible San Diego voters…and have denied them their fundamental right to vote and their rights to due process and the equal protection of the laws.”

County Supervisor Toni Atkins (it has a nice ring to it!)
Nicole announced it in this week’s GLT — Our popular City Councilmember Toni Atkins will be running for the 4th District seat of the County Board of Supervisors in 2006. After much urging, support and commitments from labor unions, environmentalist, business and Democratic leaders (there currently is not one Democrat on the county board), Toni will be a candidate in this Democratic district. There is one major problem, though, and it’s that the current county supervisor who is running for re-election is our community’s longtime friend Ron Roberts. Many who are friends with both Toni and Ron are not looking forward to this race, but Toni will run even if Ron sticks to his decision to seek re-election. Fasten your seatbelt – it’s going to be a bumpy ride. We wonder who GLT publisher Michael Portantino will endorse.

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