Friday, December 31, 2005

from Aguirre to Zarqawi — City Beat’s Winners & Losers of 2004

our favorite winner: Donna Frye—San Diego’s beloved surf-populist became national news, waging a war against the city’s establishment and actually getting more votes in the mayoral election—as a write in—than the incumbent mayor. Though she needs a judge’s intervention if she’s actually going to become mayor, regardless of what happens in early 2005, Frye’s public stock skyrocketed in 2004 as she became a shining light of righteousness and warmth in a (figuratively) cold, dark city.

and loser: Fahrenheit San Diego—Peppy San Diego weekly beaten into the ground by an advertising market that hasn’t yet realized behemoth San Diego Reader is the product of ultra-Catholic, homophobic editor who spends his free time protesting places like Planned Parenthood and F Street.

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