FREE preview of Men’s Chorus “Blonde Ambition” concert

This Sunday the San Diego Mens’ Chorus will present a free sneek preview of their latest presentation “Blonde Ambition” as a special Mother’s Day treat. The concert will take place at 5pm Sunday evening, May 10th, in the parish All Saints' Episcopal Churchhall of All Saints’ Episcopal Church.

The San Diego Men’s Chorus wondered “…do blondes REALLY have more fun?” and they’ve put together their sassiest, sauciest, show ever with music by the most notorious blondes in history — from Mozart to Madonna, and all the divas in between…featuring songs written or made famous by Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Justin Timberlake and the Dixie Chicks. Don’t miss this special performance of their 24th annual spring preview show. The acoustics are terrific in the parish hall, and every seat is fabulous! This concert is free and open to the public. For more details, call SDMC at             (877) 296-SONG       or the church at             (619) 298-7729      .

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