Don’t miss your chance to shine ~ calling senior talent!

Park and Recreation Senior Services has announced its “San Diego’s Got Talent Show & Luncheon” to be held Thursday, March 17 from 10:30am to 2:30pm at the Balboa Park Club in the park. To reserve your ticket ($5) or pre-order a DVD of this year’s show ($10) call 619-235-6905.

The real news today is to announce the Talent Auditions being held Friday, February 11 from 1-4pm at the War Memorial Building. Dust off your dancing shoes & sheet music and come on out. Seniors, 50 and up, are welcome to audition for a spot in this year’s show. The talent categories are dance, vocal, instrumental, variety or group performance. For information or to register call 619-236-6905. Don’t delay. January is coming to an end. And, how time flies! I encourage you to pull up the Scroll or p/u a copy from Senior Services — it’s packed fulll of senior activity info.

While we are talking about the War Memorial Building (north end of Zoo parking lot), check out its wonderful on-going, free activities: Mah Jongg – Mondays 9am-2pm — Enjoy a friendly and challenging game and a cup of java. Everyone welcome; Got Drama Acting Workshop, 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 11:30am- 2pm. Class includes acting, improvisation, scene study, television and film acting techniques and productions. If you can make it, attend the performance, Shakespeare’s, “Bottom’s Dream”, this Saturday, Jan. 29 beginning at 2pm at St. Paul’s Villa (2340 Fourth Ave. in Bankers Hill). Call Christopher R. 619-569-4922 for more info; The Art of Storytelling as Theatre, 2nd & 4th Thursdays 10-11am. Develop your sense of humor with stand up comic and improvisations, performing skits from Homer to Groucho Marx. Details? Call Jim Soules 619-264-9085.

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